hi every one i have creat time to think on how we can make good money online and i find out that there many way we can make it happon and one of it is on ebay It’s easy work to get started earning money on eBay. Once
you’ve signed up for your free account the best way to get
a feel for what selling is like is to auction off some of your
personal items that you no longer want. If you are going
to start buying stock to resell, you’ll do better by getting
some basic selling experience first.
but if you want to make a
name for yourself it helps to become known for selling a
specific type of product.
Now that doesn’t necessarily mean your product area
needs to be a small one; on the contrary it could be quite
large. You could sell toys for example – there’s plenty
there to keep any seller going for months on end without
selling the same thing twice. You do need to pick a
popular product though, and it’s worth doing some
research using eBay’s advanced search feature to find out
what is selling and how much it’s selling for.
So let’s say you want to sell computer games, for
example. There are hundreds of games you could buy to
sell here, but if you don’t know which ones will sell you
could lose a lot of money buying the wrong stock. By
searching the ended listings you can see which titles
consistently sell well, and which ones will produce the
best profit for you.
Okay – so you know how to figure out what to buy. Now
you need to know where to get it from. It stands to
reason that no seller is going to tell you where they get
their stock; that would be like giving away the keys to
their business. In order to find the best sources for stock
you need to do a bit of legwork.
We should mention here that there are two main sources
for stock – wholesalers and dropshippers. Both have their
pros and cons; it just depends on which method you
personally prefer.
Dropshippers hold all the stock for you, so you only
actually pay for an item once you’ve received payment
from the customer. You may have to pay a fee to join the
scheme in the first place though. If you choose to go with
one or more wholesalers you will need to have the room
to buy the stock, and the money to buy it in advance. This
comes with more risk since you could buy stock that
doesn’t sell, but with the tactic we’ve already covered for
checking completed listings before you order anything,
the risk here should be kept to a minimum.
So – back to where to find these sources. If you have a
particular product in mind that you want to sell, the
simple act of looking at the packaging can often reveal
the name of the supplier. You can then check out their
website to see what else they do and how to get started and make good money for your self Building your feedback is an important part of being a
good seller and the higher you can get your score the
better. It sets you apart as being a dedicated seller. And
the faster your score climbs, the closer you get to
attaining PowerSeller status.
The PowerSeller symbol is highly prized among serious
eBay sellers, and there are five levels to strive for. The first
is Bronze, and it’s a lot easier to reach than you might
think. While you might set a goal for yourself to reach
PowerSeller, you will find that if you build up your
product range and gradually increase your sales, you will
reach it in no time. And if you get off to a great start you
might just do it in three months – the minimum time you
can actually do it in.
Many sellers have their own shop on eBay, but it’s not
necessary when you first get started. In fact you are often
better off waiting until you have a good range of stock
before opening a shop, since it can look rather empty if
you only have a handful of items.
The final thing to think about is the price of the items you
are selling. It stands to reason that if you sell a hundred
different products in the $5 to $10 price range, you won’t
make as much cash as you would selling a hundred in the
$50 to $100 price range.
But you need to work out what you enjoy selling and
what you can sell lots of to experience real success on
eBay. Don’t go for expensive products just because they
might bring a bigger profit. Go for your calling – that’s
where you will experience the biggest success.
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