
1.- Basic Reset or Soft Reset Nokia 100
This option restores the .ini files from the ROM.Does not erase data (photos, videos, documents) or applications froma third party. Key Code *# 7780 # (click this combination of keys on thekeyboard in the mobile)
2.- Total Reset or Hard Reset Nokia 100.

This option restores the original operating system from the ROM.Formats the C: partition and deletes all data including the memorycard. Key Code *#7370# (click this combination of keys on the keyboardin the mobile)
Important: To proceed to reset, the battery must be full and themobile device connected to the charger. If during the course of reset,the mobile stop receiving electricity it can ruin the internal flashmemory of the mobile device and stop function

  1. Omosco 1 February 2012 at 03:49  

    Thanks man for this,
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